  • 基于人机融合谐生智能的智慧城市发展模型与智慧城市建设的复杂系统工程

智慧城市本质是人的智能和机器智能融合而形成 “谐生智能”来解决城市运行和决策中的各类问题的城市形态。结合智慧城市运行和发展中的具体问题研究这种“谐生智能”系统及基于“谐生智能”的决策与问题求解,并从复杂系统工程理念出发探索智慧城市的适应性发展策略。

  • 城市交通多层网络与城市空间布局模式


  • 城市创新系统研究


  • 城市系统性灾害风险研究


  • 城市灾害韧性评估研究


  • 省、市、自治区科技项目(2018J11CY009)


  • 省部级


夏昊翔                                                                                                                                   大连理工大学经济管理学院教授,博士生导师          
荣莉莉                                                                                                                                   大连理工大学经济管理学院 教授,博士生导师          
王众托                                                                                                                                   院士,大连理工大学经济管理学院教授,博士生导师          
钱永胜                                                                                                                                   大连理工大学工程师         

  • Xu, M., Pan, Q., Muscoloni, A., Xia, H., & Cannistraci, C. V. Modular gateway-ness connectivity and structural core organization in maritime network science. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-15, 2020

  • S Kojaku, M Xu, H Xia, N Masuda. Multiscale core-periphery structure in a global liner shipping network, Scientific reports 9(1), 404, 2019.

  • Li, B., Zhao, X., & Xia, H. Promotion of cooperation by Hybrid Migration mechanisms in the Spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 514, 1-8, 2019.

  • Pan, Q., Xia, H. & Luo S. A coupled dynamic model of brand acceptance and promotive information spreading, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 27(5): 677–689, 2019

  • Han, X., Zhao, X., & Xia, H. Promotion of cooperation by adaptive interaction: The role of heterogeneity in neighborhoods. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 502: 483-491, 2018

  • J Zhang, H Xia, L Wang, P Li, B Quadir. An activity window model for social interaction structure on Twitter. Open Physics 16 (1), 685-691, 2018

  • Xu, M., Zhang, L., Li, W., & Xia, H. Mobility Pattern of Taxi Passengers at Intra-Urban Scale: Empirical Study of Three Cities. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 5(6), 537-555, 2017

  • Haoxiang Xia, Xiaowei Zhao, Huiyu Liu, Social tagging dynamics under system recommendation and resource multidimensionality,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 25(3):271~286,2016.

  • Aiguo Zheng, Shuangling Luo, Haoxiang Xia, A meme propagation model to combine social affirmation with meme attractiveness and persistence, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 27(1), 2016.

  • Peng Liu, Haoxiang Xia, Structure and evolution of co-authorship network in an interdisciplinary research field,Scientometrics,103(1):101~134, 2015.

  • Shuangling Luo, Haoxiang Xia, Borui Yin, Continuous opinion dynamics on an adaptive coupled random network,Advances in Complex Systems, 17(3-4),2014.

  • 夏昊翔,王众托,从系统视角对智慧城市的若干思考,中国软科学,2017年第6期,66-80, 2017

  • 夏昊翔,张潇,张醒洲,OpenStack 开源软件开发者协作网络分析,系统工程理论与实践,37(5): 1373-1382, 2017

  • Tao Li, Lili Rong, Kesheng Yan. Vulnerability analysis and critical area identification of public transport system: A case of high-speed rail and air transport coupling system in China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 127: 55-70.

  • Zijian Ni, Lili Rong, Ning Wang, Shuo Cao. Knowledge model for emergency response based on contingency planning system of China. International Journal of Information Management, 2019, 46:10-22.

  • Zijun Qie, Lili Rong. An integrated relative risk assessment model for urban disaster loss in view of disaster system theory. Natural Hazards, 2017:1-26.

  • Kesheng Yan, Lili Rong, Quan Liu. Vulnerability analysis of interdependent spatially embedded infrastructure networks under localized attack. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(09): 1750089.

  • Kesheng Yan, Lili Rong, Kai Yu. Discriminating complex networks through supervised NDR and Bayesian classifier. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2016, 27(5):1650051.

  • Quan Liu, Lili Rong. An opinion evolution model based on social reinforcement of microblog network. ICIC Express Letters, 2016, 10(5): 1079-86.

  • Zijun Qie, Lili Rong. Spatial-temporal human exposure modeling based on land-use at a regional scale in China. Safety Science, 2016, 87:243-255.

  • 金成浩,荣莉莉,李若飞,聂颖颖.基于物理关联的相互依赖关键基础设施网络模型构建[J].系统管理学报,2019,28(04):667-678.

  • 荣莉莉,黄佳慧.区域应急响应方案柔性生成方法研究[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2019,15(09):5-11.

  • 荣莉莉,刘玙婷.基于承灾体的区域灾害链风险评估模型[J].系统工程学报,2019,34(01):130-144.

  • 大型城市地下物流网络优化布局的模拟植物生长算法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(4):971-980.

  • 遗传算法在运输车辆安排问题中的应用[C]// 管理科学与系统科学研究新进展——第7届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议论文集. 0.

  • Knowledge Synthesis: Western and Eastern Cultural Perspective


夏昊翔: llrong@
荣莉莉: llrong@
潘东华: gyise@
钱永胜: qianys@

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